Weight Management

Weight Management

Stay on track with weight management. When you achieve your goal shape and weight, it’s important you maintain it! A healthy, active lifestyle needs to become an everyday habit and Herbalife Weight Management products offer you all the help you need.

Protein Solutions

Protein is an essential component of every cell in the body, protein is a macronutrient made of 22 ‘building
blocks’ called amino acids bonded together to form protein’s structure. Proteins have different functions in the body, including contributing to a growth in muscle mass, and contributing to the maintenance of muscle and normal bones. All these functions are very important for your body to function at its best, so an adequate amount of daily dietary protein will help you to keep healthy.


Herbalife’s enhancers are designed to assit with your weight management goals, when used  within a balanced and varied diet, as part of a healthy, active lifestyle.

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